In Traditional Chinese Medicine, endometriosis is primarily caused by Blood Stasis. Blood Stasis can be caused by emotional disturbance, chronic illness, surgery and infections. In addition to this there are disease-causing factors which are part of the Chinese Medical pattern discrimination diagnosis of cold, heat, deficiency, excess or mixed pattern.
To determine these additional factors, an experienced practitioner will diagnosis a patient based on the timing, location, nature and severity of pain and symptoms.
These symptoms include but are not limited to emotional stress, anger and anxiety, pain and pressure before, during or after periods, clotting issues during the period, soreness of back, breast pain and tenderness, knees and hip pain, irregular periods, scanty periods, nausea, vomiting, bowel issues, lethargy, fevers, dry throat or dry skin and painful intercourse.
In a review of two clinical trials, researchers found that a mix of Chinese Herbs worked as well or even better than two conventional hormonal therapies for endometriosis. And it came with no side effects.
Both trials, which included 158 women, have the positive message that Chinese Herbal Medicine may offer equivalent benefits to conventional medicine with fewer side effects. And what this means for patients is a suitable strategy for long-term use. Coupled with acupuncture during the painful stages of the cycle, herbal medicine presents as a safe and effective treatment plan.